marketing materials redesign
marketing refresh
Belching Beaver Brewery is a regional sized brewery in San Diego that needed a refresh of its marketing materials. Over the years different freelancers and inhouse designers had created fun, unique materials, but with the multitude of SKUs under the brewery’s belt the brand was getting disjointed. As the sole in-house graphic designer, I wanted to update marketing collateral so it would be easily recognized as Belching Beaver, and could be quickly changed for new SKUs by future team members if necessary.
Belching Beaver Brewery
Design, Direction, Marketing, Copywriting
tools used
Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
Due to the size of the organization, and the fact there was only one graphic designer, I also came up with solutions that could keep the brand cohesive when reality necessitated nondesigners created touchpoints for B2B clients. In one instance, we had 10 sales reps creating newsletters for their buyers, using anything from Canva, to Microsoft Word to plain text with pictures inserted into emails, all with predictably different appearances that began to muddle the brand.
I created a series of templates for the sales reps to use, utilizing a 3x10 underlying grid in order to keep pages feeling cohesive no matter what the reps needed for that particular week. I also set up a team on Canva, with links to assets I believed would be most used, and led a class teaching the program basics, such as replacing images and text, and exporting files that would be embeddable in emails.